Wednesday, February 6, 2008


This morning at 6 DMALES started. It was a blast. I found out how uncoordinated I really am. The first part is the military section. Then we do headstands and a kickline then backflips, then the dance section and soulja boy. Yeah! Then I came home before school started and was playing some music in my room and my speaker on top of my 6 drawer rattled to the edge and fell off taking out the back corner of my cedar chest. I started to cry when I noticed it. In woodshop today I got the alder China cabinet all sanded and a final coat on it so it is ready for hardware tommorrow. My cabinet the oak one I still need to sand and put a final on it. Well time to read scriputes.
- Kellen

1 comment:

Jeff said...

That sucks about your cedar chest. But look at it this built it and you can always build another one. But I'm more concerned about how much you like DMALES.