Monday, February 25, 2008


Today was a pretty boring day. Before school and in first period I got the side part of the upper parts of the china hutch put together. So in Eniglish we took a quiz on Frankinstien. I hate that book it is very stupid. So for thirs period I took my stuff out of the clamps, scraped the glue, and filled my holes with putty so I can sand sometime tomorrow. The boys basketball team plays in the fist round of state tomorrow. So the school is taking 3 bus loads of kids up to it to cheer them on. So I signed up to go to the game. The bus leaves tomorrow at 7:00 in the morning. The game starts at 9:30, up at the Dee Event Center in Ogden. So I think it is going to be fun. The boys play Murray it should be a good game. We should win, but who knows. So we will see how that turns out. I will keep ya posted.


Jeff said...

Go red devils! They rock........and I am not forty.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the china hutch!

The Mills said...

The boys went and played there when I was in High School its fun to get out of the school, its kinda by Julie and Blaines old house! Have FUN