Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sand Dunes

We went to the dunes again it is awesome!!!


Jeff said...

Dude you have a boring blog. I guess that means only one thing: you have a boring life. Work on that.

Mr. and Mrs. Sanders said...

i agree with his comment, and I don't even know him... :)

Jeff said...

Really?! You have nothing interesting to post about? Wintercross?

Jeff said...


Mr. and Mrs. Sanders said...

seriously, update dude... I'm at school and when I get bored on my dates with the library I need something to read.. you're killin me smalls

Jeff said...


Jeff said...

Jeff said...


Mr. and Mrs. Sanders said...

Kellen, I just spent a whole weekend with you! You aren't boring, but you might want to prove that to your uncle.. :)

Jeff said...
